2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

COU 620 Advanced Helping Skills - Residency II

This course facilitates the development of advanced individual counseling skills in clinical mental health counseling students. It serves reinforce students' microskills and introduce them to advanced microskills, and mesoskills, macroskills, group leadership skills, and assist them learn how to utilize and apply these counseling skills. The goal of this course is to present the advanced skills and techniques that form the foundation of the counseling process. A focus of the course is the development of counselors that will become effective agents of change through therapeutic relationships. This course facilitates self-development related to one's ability to relate to and connect with others and we will emphasize personal growth and self-care throughout the course. The course will involve live, online skills practice, submission of recorded sessions of skills' practice for peer and instructor feedback, and a 1-week, on-ground live component.


3.00 Credit(s)