2021-2022 Graduate Catalog

Continuous Enrollment Policy

Graduate students in the master’s degree program in Occupational Therapy must maintain continuous enrollment in the program. Students who need to take a leave of absence from the program must apply, in writing, to the program chair and director. The student's leave of absence request must state the reason for the leave request, anticipated semester or date of return, and must be dated and signed by the student. The students may be required also append appropriate documentation from a physician or other appropriate persons that supports the request. The Chair and Professional Performance Committee will review the student's request and a maximum of one 12-month leave of absence may be granted. As the program is a lock-step curriculum, students must reenter the program following a leave of absence in the required curriculum sequence. If a request is denied, or if a student fails to enroll for their next consecutive trimester in the program, the student must apply for readmission through the Office of Graduate Admissions. Students who are readmitted must adhere to the admission criteria, curriculum, policies, and guidelines in effect at the date of readmission. The University may charge a continuous enrollment fee each trimester the student is not enrolled to maintain the the student's matriculation.