2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


Withdrawals from courses must be made through the Office of the Registrar. Full-time students withdrawing from the University must see the Assistant Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences or the Director of Advisement for an exit interview.

Part-time students withdrawing from the University or from individual classes must obtain a course withdrawal form from the Registrar’s Office.

Official withdrawal is necessary to ensure the proper entry of grades on the transcript and the determination of any refund, if applicable.

Withdrawal from the University within four weeks from the beginning of a semester entitles the candidate to a proportional refund of tuition. Refunds are granted only if the candidate complies with the withdrawal procedures as prescribed by the Registrar’s office.

Withdrawal/Refund Policy:

  • Refunds are based on full tuition charges.
  • Failure to withdraw properly will result in the issuance of a Withdrawal/Failure grade and responsibility for payment in full.
  • If a student withdraws prior to the start of the semester, all fees will be refunded, except the registration fee. Once a semester begins, there are no refunds of fees, this includes registration fees, lab fees & music lab fees.
  • Refunds will not be given to students who have an outstanding balance.
  • Refunds are based on the schedule below and determined by the date of notification to the Registrar's Office/Advisement Office, not the date of last class attended. 
  • Students are required to request refunds - please contact Student Accounts Office at (203) 371-7925 or submit your request in writing to the Student Accounts Office, SC Lower Level.
  • Withdrawing from courses or failing to attend courses will impact your financial aid.  For details please see SHU’s Financial Assistance Withdrawal policy.

Withdrawal/Refund Schedule:

Sacred Heart University Online Program

  • 100% Before start of first week
  • 80% the 1st week of Classes
  • 0% after the 1st week of Classes

Fall and Spring Semesters

  • 100% Before start of first week
  • 80%  Before start of 2nd week
  • 60% Before start of 3rd week
  • 40% Before start of 4th week
  • 20% Before start of 5th week
  • 0% After 5th week

Summer Undergraduate Classes

  • 100% Before start of 1st week
  • 75% Before start of 2nd week
  • 50% Before start of 3rd week
  • 25% Before start of 4th week
  • 0% Before start of 5th week

Intensive terms (for all students) - including Winter & Spring

  • 100% Before start of 1st week
  • 0% Once class begins

University will not release grades, transcripts, education verifications, diplomas or allow a student to register for subsequent terms with a delinquent balance.

The University reserves the right to request all delinquent payments be made in the form of a bank check, certified check or money order.

Refund Allocation Policy for Federal Financial Aid Funds

Bank Mobile Electronic refunds - to set up electronic refund preference go to http://www.Refundselection.com.

Official Withdrawal— Withdrawing from all courses is considered withdrawing from the University. If you do this before 60% of the semester is completed (approximately 8–9 weeks into the semester), your financial aid award will be recalculated, according to the percentage of the semester you have completed. The formula for calculating this percentage is:

(Days enrolled) – (Official breaks of five days or longer)
Total number of class days in the semester.

Unofficial Withdrawal— If a student stops attending classes without notifying the University, we will be required to recalculate your federal financial aid using the last date of an academically related activity in which the student participated as documented by the student’s instructor(s). If the Office of Student Financial Assistance is unable to obtain the last date of an academically related activity, we will be required to recalculate the student’s federal aid using the midpoint of the semester. If the University is required to send back money to the federal loan programs, the student may incur institutional charges for the term.