2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Probation

All students, except first-semester freshmen, whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) falls below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. Any student (including first-semester freshmen) who receives a one-semester GPA of less than 1.8 will also be placed on Academic Probation. If a student’s cumulative GPA is 2.2 or above and the semester GPA is lower than 1.8 but not lower than 1.5, the student will be administered an Academic Warning rather than placed on Academic Probation. However, two consecutive semesters of less than a 1.8 GPA, regardless of cumulative GPA, will automatically result in Academic Probation.

A student who receives a grade of F in six or more credits in any given semester will be reviewed for Academic Probation.

Any full-time student (enrolled for 12 or more credits) who fails to complete 12 credits in a semester will be reviewed for Academic Probation.

A student on Academic Probation may choose to enroll in courses at Sacred Heart University during the University’s Winter session and Summer sessions. Grades from the Winter session will be applied to the Fall- semester probationary status, while grades from the Summer session(s) will be applied to the Spring-semester probationary status. This will include grades from all courses taken during Winter session and Summer sessions, not just repeats of failed courses. Winter session and summer session grades will also apply to the cumulative GPA but will not be transcripted to the fall or spring semester.