2020-2021 Graduate Catalog



Program Director

Phone: 203-365-7546

E-mail: alkhatibe@sacredheart.edu

Chemistry Laboratories

There are eight chemistry laboratories and five research laboratories serving the needs of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, and computational chemistry. These laboratories contain the following major equipment:


PE HPLC Binary UV/Vis System with Series 200 Autosampler; Gow Mac 550P and two Gow Mac 69-400 TCD-P Gas Chromatographs; Shimadzu GC/MS 2010 Plus with OI Eclipse Purge-and-Trap


Pine Dual Potentiostat System; EG&G Parc 264A and EG&G Parc 384 Polarographic Analyzer/Stripping Voltammeter; EG&G Parc 303A SMDE Electrode; EG&G Parc 616 RDE Electrode


NMR 400 MHz; Flame and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer + Autosampler; Raman Spectrometer; four FT-IR Spectrometers including ATR, Ultraviolet/Visible Spectrophotometers; Near Infrared Spectrometers; Spectrofluorometer; Shimadzu RF-5301 Fluorophotometer

Computers and Software


Hyperchem Molecular Modeling System; ACD proton and carbon-13 NMR software; Wiley 6th edition MS spectral library of 138,000 MS Spectra and NIST Library Chemical Structure Database; Sadtler search software and infrared spectrum library of 3,500 organic and inorganic compounds; MATHCAD; ChemDraw; Chem3D; IR Tutor; Introduction to Spectroscopy; Spectra Deck; Turbochrom


Rudolph Autopol IV Automatic Polarimeter; Johnson Matthey Mark II Magnetic Susceptibility Balance; Jenway PFP7 Flame Photometer; Bio-Rad Experion Automated Electrophoresis System; PE 48-well Thermal Cylinder for DNA analysis; IEC Centra CL2 Benchtop Clinical Centrifuge; Classic Series C-Line Model C24 Benchtop Incubator Shaker; Labconco Tissue Culture Enclosure, Shimadzu HPLC, Shimadzu GCMS, access to Shimadzu ICP, Shimadzu TGA-51