2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Global Studies Major

The major in Global Studies responds to the demands of the twenty-first century by preparing students for an interdependent world. Globalization has accelerated the forces of economic, social, and political integration presenting both opportunities and challenges. It is designed for students who have strong international interests and wish to pursue those interests in a degree-length program of study that will prepare them for engagement in a globalized world with the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities to confront the most pressing international issues.


At least 39 credits will be required for the major to be distributed in the following way:

Students must complete a common core of seven courses and six elective courses to be chosen from among five areas: Asian Area Studies, European Area Studies, International Systems, Latin American Area Studies, or Middle Eastern Studies and African Studies. Students must equally distribute the six elective courses among two concentrations, half of which must be upper-division courses. Additionally, students are required to complete two semesters of a foreign language and apply and expand their knowledge in a study abroad experience.