2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Spanish Major

The Spanish Major is designed to foster students’ linguistic development and to provide a broad knowledge of Spanish, Latin American, and U.S. Latino cultures. The Spanish major is comprised of three different categories: Literature, Culture and Civilization, and Electives. The Major begins with the 201/202 level (Composition and Grammar I).

Spanish Majors Seeking 5th Year Masters in Education
Spanish majors seeking to pursue a 5th Year Masters in Education must demonstrate oral and written proficiency in Spanish by their undergraduate senior year. The Department requires that these students take the ACTFL (American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Oral Proficiency Interview and the Writing Proficiency Test at the end of their junior year. If the student does not achieve a level of intermediate high in both tests, as required by the State of Connecticut, he/she must meet with an advisor and to discuss the possibility of studying abroad. Students in this situation may retake the exam during their senior year. Both exams can be taken at Sacred Heart University with one of the Spanish professors acting as proctor. For more information on these tests, check the ACTFL testing website at www.actfl.org

Program Requirements (31 credits)

Required Courses for Major

SP 201/202Advanced Spanish Composition & Grammar I and II

3 CR each

SP 397Spanish Major Portfolio

1 CR

SP 201/202: For students placed into courses above this level, the required 31 credits will be completed through more advanced coursework.


At least one course in Spanish literature: either in Peninsular literature or in Latin American literature

At least one course in culture, civilization, and contemporary issues: one dealing with Peninsular or one dealing with Latin America

Six Spanish electives beyond the 200 level: these can include additional classes in literature as well as culture and civilization