2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Creative Writing Minor


The minor in Creative Writing requires the completion of 18 credits in creative writing courses offered by the Department of English.

Courses that fulfill that requirement are

ENG 253Introduction to Creative Writing


ENG 270Short Story Writing


ENG 271Writing Social Fiction


ENG 272Writing Flash Fiction


ENG 273Poetry Writing


ENG 274Creative Writing Pedagogy


ENG 371Advanced Poetry Writing I


ENG 372Advanced Poetry Writing II


ENG 373Independent Study: Poetry


ENG 374Independent Study: Fiction


ENG 376Advanced Short Story Writing


The minor offers tracks in writing prose and poetry. Courses in both tracks help students explore what it means to be a practicing poet and fiction writer. Those courses also benefit students in any field—nursing, criminal justice, education, marketing, communication and media studies, and throughout the humanities and the sciences—who have an interest in learning how to write more clearly and persuasively because creative writers learn how writing can be used to express meaning and to convince and engage a reader. These are essential skills for all professions.

Students study with published writers on the faculty who are actively working as poets and fiction writers. Those faculty members provide practical and hands-on learning experiences in seminars and workshops where students learn how aesthetic texts are created in fact and not only in theory. The minor also collaborates with the University’s Center for Irish Studies, providing an important study abroad opportunity.

The minor in Creative Writing is a strong addition to the University’s traditions in the visual, musical, and performing arts and affirms the University’s commitment to making possible a full range of opportunities for undergraduates to engage in all avenues of artistic expression.