2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Intermediate Administrator (092) Certification

Randall Glading, PhD

Program Director of the 092 Intermediate Administrator Program
Office phone: 203 396-8312
E-mail: gladingr@sacredheart.edu

Program Goal and Opportunities

The goal of the program is to prepare candidates to succeed as intermediate school supervisors.  The 092 certificate qualifies holders for school and district administrative positions with the exception of the Superintendent of Schools. Course offerings engage the candidate in an extensive investigation into leadership theory and practices, combined with clinical experiences that will provide a foundation for success as a school administrator.

Required Curriculum—State of Connecticut

A master’s degree is required for admission. Applicants for the Intermediate Administrator Certificate (092) must complete a minimum of 18 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master’s degree. Fifteen (15) credit hours must be taken at the institution providing the recommendation for certification. State of Connecticut regulations [Sec. 10- 145d-242 (g)] mandate that the categories of study for the Intermediate Administrator Certificate listed below be completed during this program.

Courses taken for the certificate may be applied toward completion of the Certificate of Advanced Studies in Administration (Sixth-Year Degree) program.

To obtain the Professional Educator Certificate, the candidate must complete no less than 30 semester hours of graduate credit at a regionally accredited institution or institutions in addition to the master’s degree.

All applicants for the Intermediate Administrative Certification must pass the ETS Praxis - Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision (5412).

Two Models for Delivering the Administrative Programs

Two different models are available for completion of both the Intermediate Administrator (092) Certification and the Certificate of Advanced Study in Administration (Sixth-Year Degree).

The “accelerated weekend cohort” model is delivered to a cohort of students with each course meeting four alternate Saturdays during the year from September to June. An additional 4 hours will be assigned by the professor utilizing online activities.

The “traditional” model is delivered according to each candidate’s pace. Most courses meet weekday evenings and some courses are also offered on Saturdays. Candidates in the “traditional” model may register for one or two courses per semester, working through the program at their own pace. The “traditional” model for delivering these programs is available at the Trumbull and Griswold locations.

If a candidate successfully passes the ETS Praxis - Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision (5412) and all courses in the 092 program, the candidate can apply for the Intermediate Administrator (092) Certification.

For those choosing to continue on for the CAS in Administration (Six-Year degree), the program director will be available for advisement if needed. There are several options regarding an individual plan of study for the six-year degree.

Twelve additional credits beyond the 092 certification are required by the State of Connecticut for professional certification. Most 092 candidates meet this requirement by completing the 15 credit Certificate of Advanced Study in Administration (six-year degree).

Applications are reviewed continuously.

Required Courses (18 credits)

Curriculum Development (3 credits)

EDL 605Advanced Curriculum

3.00 Credit(s)

Psychological Foundations (3 credits)

EDL 626Assessment and Evaluation

3.00 Credit(s)

Supervision and Evaluation (3 credits)

EDL 635Teacher Supervision/Evaluation/Staff Development

3.00 Credit(s)

School Administration (3 credits)

Choose one:

EDL 650Educational Law & Finance

3.00 Credit(s)

Contemporary Education Problems (3 Credits)

EDL 654Leadership: Contemporary Education Problems

3.00 Credit(s)


EDL 655Distinguished Lecture Series

3.00 Credit(s)

Administrative Internship (3 credits)

EDL 696Administrative Internship I

3.00 Credit(s)

EDL 696: Prerequisite: Two EDL courses)