2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

PT 825 Contemporary Practice in Physical Therapy

This tutorial-based course includes environmental and ergonomic modifications as the means of optimizing home or workplace management, while focusing on the health care delivery system – the context in which practice exists, must function, and within which practice goals and objectives are established. Practice-based cases are used to develop an understanding of health care finance and financial decision-making (including an understanding of reimbursement issues, case-mix and cost-effectiveness issues, capitation/contractual issues, marketing). Trends in health care and health care finance are examined in the context of understanding the role of the physical therapist as an advocate for the patient and the profession. The function of and considerations relative to the physical therapist as a consultant to other practices, health care providers or a community is discussed. Quality assurance and program evaluation strategies are considered as elements of understanding current practice status, potential for new services and short and long-term practice planning strategies. Practice-based tutorial cases are used prepare students for role competence in practice implementation issues. Practice-based cases are used to develop an understanding of the role of standardized patient examination data and patient/practice documentation systems (including employee assessment tools) in examining practice outcomes, administrative issues such as scheduling (patient and personnel), and cost-effectiveness issues around equipment/supplies. The role of documentation systems in contributing to the body of knowledge of the profession and generating financial data is explored. Personnel management and professional development concepts are introduced and applied in individual student activities.
