2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

PT 713 Structure & Function III

This tutorial based course covers the structure and function of the normal and impaired cardiovascular, pulmonary and integumentary systems. Patient cases reflect issues encountered in managing medically complex patients encountered in all practice settings and include problems of the cardiovascular, peripheral vascular, pulmonary and integumentary systems, as well as multisystem disorders such as amputation, cancer, and frailty. The interactive effects of normal, pathological, developmental or age-related and environmental influences on the ability to perform activities of daily living and on response to exercise are considered. The implications of pharmacologic use and interactions on the relevant systems and on exercise tolerance are emphasized. Also included in this semester and tied to components of each course are several structured clinical or clinically-related exposures that serve as a mechanism for understanding clinical relevance of practice and patient care principles covered during the semester.
