ED 573 Professional Development: Phase 1

2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Candidates will create a field-based professional-development plan in which they interview a district's supervisor or other professional responsible for faculty development at the school level. They will participate in analyzing school performance data and reviewing the literature for establishing a research-based intervention that will address a specific need. The candidate will construct a professional development plan that is connected to improving both teaching and learning at the school level. Schools are at various levels in the staff development process. The process may include the development of school or grade-level data teams. Candidates will create an action plan and present it to the instructor utilizing a PowerPoint presentation. After receiving departmental and school approval of the professional development plan, the candidate moves into the Phase II implementation process. This phase will require an additional semester of work. This course serves as part of the culminating requirement for advanced MAT non-licensure candidates-practicing teachers.


3.00 Credit(s)


Teacher Education