2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

CH 597 Computational & Bioanalytical Chemistry & Lab

This course is split into two different but fully integrated sections: (a) a two-hour (in silico) class and (b) a three-hour (in vitro) lab. During the class (in silico) students will study and apply computational methods to molecular biochemical problems, yielding predictions about the structure and activity of various biochemical molecules. During the lab (in vitro), students will test the in silico predictions against empirical reality. Students will then be required to analyze and to provide an integrated and coherent interpretation of their in silico and in vitro results. This format will introduce students to the well-established field of bioanalytical chemistry, the emerging field of computational biochemistry, and the vital relationship between the two. This class/lab will take advantage of HyperChem software, NMR 400 spectrometer, and available analytical chemistry and biochemistry instrumentation.




CH 331 Physical Chemistry I and CH 341 Biochemistry