2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Changes of Curriculum and Continuous Enrollment

A matriculated student has the right to graduate under the requirements that existed at the time of his/her matriculation as long as continuous enrollment has been maintained. Continuous enrollment means the student is in attendance for one of any three terms in an academic year. All summer session courses count as one term toward continuous enrollment calculations. Students who drop all their courses during the add/ drop period may not use that semester as part of their continuous enrollment calculation. Students who fail to maintain continuous enrollment must apply for readmission. Readmitted students must follow the guidelines in effect at the time of readmission. Students who are not enrolled in a semester may wish to maintain their network connections and access to certain services such as the library and other online services. To do this, the student must contact the academic department and request access to the department’s continuous registration section. This registration will continue all network access. A fee will be applied.