2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Instructional Technology and Student Mobile Computing Program

Recognizing the increasingly important role of technology in our society and in education, Sacred Heart University has made a commitment to, and a serious investment in, computers, networking, and its supporting technologies. The University’s network infrastructure provides connectivity to every facility on campus via a fiber-optic backbone.

VPN and virtual desktops are available to provide connectivity solutions for even the most sophisticated applications, from anywhere on the Internet. Browser-based e-mail is available through the web, for sending and receiving campus e-mail from any computer connected anywhere on the Internet.

To promote its “Anytime, Anywhere Learning” initiative, Sacred Heart University launched wireless networking in the summer of 2000 to create one of the first wireless network campuses in New England. This infrastructure allows students to use portable devices anywhere on campus. The current wireless standard is 802.11n.

The students’ computing laboratories are currently comprised of 776 desktop computers distributed throughout several academic facilities. Thirty laboratories are used for computer-related instruction, and an additional lab provides 24/7/365 access for Sacred Heart University students, faculty, and staff. The University continues to upgrade regular classrooms to technology-enhanced classrooms with fixed multimedia capabilities that allow instructors to fully integrate technology in their classroom presentations. All general-purpose classrooms are equipped with large screen displays, classroom computers, laptop connections, BluRay players, and audio capabilities. All classrooms on campus are equipped with an active data jack for instructors or students to access the network. Additionally, there are data connections in every room, and wireless networking is accessible throughout the campus. The network infrastructure is designed with future technologies in mind and with excess capacity to allow for significant growth. The University is making a serious financial commitment to maintaining the network at peak performance capability and reliability. Upgrading the software and hardware that support the network is a continuous process and not one the University will ever say is complete. Sacred Heart’s commitment is to keeping a state-of-the-art system in place for all our campus customers.

The University is part of a select group of academic institutions that embraces the mobile computing philosophy. Full-time undergraduate students are encouraged to purchase and use a laptop during their academic life at the University. Information Technology fully supports a variety of laptop models from Lenovo, Apple, and Dell. In addition, Sacred Heart University provides all of its full-time faculty members with a choice of PC laptop, Mac laptop, or tablet refreshed every three years. We offer a similar program to our adjunct faculty who are issued a supported laptop as well. We build and deploy an image which contains the latest Microsoft Office software and other necessary tools and utilities.

Through the use of Sacred Heart University’s Learning Management System, Blackboard, faculty are provided with the ability to remain connected to students outside of the classroom. Blackboard’s functionality allows faculty to post their syllabus electronically, add course content, foster group communication outside of the classroom, and administer electronic exams.

In addition, the University provides all faculty with a WebEx account, a tool which enables instructors to host synchronous learning sessions beyond the physical classroom environment. Separate from the faculty accounts, Sacred Heart provides students with WebEx accounts to conduct synchronous group work sessions from any location with an Internet connection.

The Microsoft Office 365 portal provides the Sacred Heart community with more collaboration tools than ever before. Using Word Online, users can create documents, share with colleagues and edit them simultaneously. Students have the ability to use OneNote, a digital notebook application, to keep their course notes organized, and Microsoft Sway brings new features to a group presentation. To access the Microsoft portal, please go to https://portal.office.com and log in with your Sacred Heart University credentials. For training on technology tools, or to learn more about the possibilities, please contact the Instructional Technology Department.