2017-2018 Graduate Catalog

PT 760 Special Project I

A prerequisite to PT 861 

This is a two-semester (PT 760 and PT 861) project that will be a summative experience across coursework to date. Students are presented with complex clinical cases from which key issues in examination or intervention are selected. Working in small groups, students review the research literature on their assigned case-related management issue. Using independent and self-directed learning, students: (1) assess the value of case and issue-related scientific literature to the clinical decision-making; (2) choose, analyze, and present the research article chosen to best facilitate clinical decision-making; (3) make a recommendation for the patient case based on the reviewed article and background literature; and (4) briefly propose a research project that would address one or more deficits in the current body of relevant research literature. This major project will demonstrate the students' ability to appropriately use research literature to guide clinical decision-making and practice, as well as their understanding of the role of research in advancing practice and contributing to the profession's body of knowledge. Format: Preparation is largely independent. Each group will have a faculty advisor. In the second semester of the project (PT 861), each group will present for approximately 60 minutes once during the semester (3-4 presentations per class session). Student will be required to attend all presentations.
