2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog

Residential Life and Housing Services

The Office of Residential Life and Housing Services coordinates all University housing options for students. The office staff, hall directors, and resident assistants work with students to make the halls a “home away from home” by creating a healthy living/learning atmosphere. Students have direct input to their living environment through the Residence Hall Associations and the Hall Councils, which address concerns and organize activities for members of the hall community.

The University currently houses students in nine different areas: Angelo Roncalli Hall, Elizabeth Ann Seton Hall, Thomas Merton Hall, Christian Witness Commons, Scholars Commons, Pioneer Gardens, Park Ridge Apartments, Taft Commons, and Oakwood Gardens. These varied areas offer distinct residential lifestyles, from traditional high-rise resident halls to on- and off-campus apartments.

Student Activities

The Student Activities Office seeks to enhance the college experience outside the classroom by offering both cocurricular and extracurricular opportunities for students. In addition, the Student Activities Office teaches life skills to students through formal training sessions and leadership opportunities.

A vital component of the Department of Student Life, the office is responsible for scheduling, planning, and overseeing all student events on campus. The Student Activities Office is a center for information on events, student groups, Student Government, and student leadership. The Student Activities Office can be reached at 203-365-7675.

Student Clubs and Organizations

The University encourages students to become involved in student groups as a part of their college experience. Diverse interests are represented on campus by numerous clubs and organizations:

Academic Clubs

Accounting Club

American Chemical Society

American Medical Student Association

American Sign Language Club

Art Club

Biology Club

Business Administration Club

Computer Science Club

Education Club

English Club

Entrepreneurship Club

Exercise Science Club

Fashion Club

Finance and Economics Club

Health Science Club

History Club

Marketing Club

Math Club

National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Philosophy, Religious Studies & Theology Club

Politics & International Studies Club

Pre-Occupational Therapy Club

Pre-Physical Therapy Club

Pre-Physicians Assistant Club

Psychology Club

Public Relations Club

SMILE Geriatrics Club

Social Work Club

Sports Management Club

Sports Media Club

Student Athletic Training Organization

Student Nurses Association

Academic Honor Societies

Alpha Kappa Delta

Alpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Sigma Lambda

Delta Epsilon Sigma

Delta Mu Delta

Kappa Psi (band fraternity)

Lambda Alpha Epsilon

Lambda Epsilon Chi

Phi Alpha Theta

Phi Eta Sigma

Phi Sigma Alpha

Phi Sigma Iota

Psi Chi

Sigma Tau Delta

Sigma Theta Tau

Theta Alpha Kappa

Greek Life Fraternities


Delta Tau Delta

Iota Phi Theta

Kappa Sigma

Pi Kappa Phi


Omega Phi Kappa

Greek Life Sororities


Alpha Delta Pi

Chi Omega

Delta Zeta

Kappa Delta Phi

Phi Sigma Sigma

Theta Phi Alpha

Zeta Tau Alpha






Dodge Ball

Flag Football

Floor Hockey


Martial Arts






Media Organizations

Film Club

Her Campus

Pioneer Magazine

Spectrum (newspaper)

The Pulse (TV News Magazine)

WHRT (radio station)

WHRTV (multimedia)

Multicultural Organizations

Arabic Club

Italian Club

La Hispanidad

Muslim Student Awareness

United Campus Alliance

Performing Arts

Pioneer Bands

Concert Band

Marching Band

Pep Band

String Ensemble

Jazz Band

Winter Guard


Liturgical Choir

Concert Choir

Four Heart Harmony

SHU Love–Women’s Ensemble

Theatre Arts Program (TAP)

Social Groups

Capoeria (Sagrado Coraco)

Gay Straight Alliance

Kappa Psi (band fraternity)

Real Estate Club

Rock Climbing & Hiking Club

SHUsine Culinary Club

Student Alumni Association

Service Clubs/Organizations

Active Minds

Are You Autism Aware?

Best Buddies


Green SHU’s

Habitat for Humanity

Hearts United

Peace Corp Club

To Write Love On Her Arms

Veterans Club

Residential Life/Commuter Life Clubs

Commuter Council

Hall Councils

Residence Hall Association

Student Government

The Student Government is the parent organization to all student groups on campus. It is composed of:

  • Class Officers
  • Council of Clubs and Organizations
  • Executive Board
  • Student Events Team (SET)
  • Student Government Class Boards
  • Student Senate

Student Government’s primary purpose is to oversee student groups, sponsor events to meet the needs of the students, and to address concerns of the student body.

Club Sports

Men’s Club Sports





Ice Hockey






Women’s Club Sports


Field Hockey





Coed Club Sports


Dance Team

Figure Skating









Student Union

Another area in the Department of Student Life is the Student Union Office. Many of the nonacademic services provided by the University are facilitated by the Student Union, including:

  • Class ring sales
  • Hawley Lounge
  • One-Card program
  • Red’s Pub
  • Room/Facilities Reservations
  • Shuttle Service
  • Student ID Cards
  • Vending Services/Laundry

The Student Union Office can be reached at 203-365-7913.

Every student (full-time and part-time) is responsible for being aware of the policies and procedures of Sacred Heart University as outlined on the Student Handbook web link at http://www.sacredheart.edu/media/sacredheart/udentconductandcommunitystandards/STUDENT-HANDBOOK-2015-2016.pdf. All students will be held accountable for their actions and subsequent consequences with regard to these policies and may be subject to any judicial action as detailed in the Student Handbook.