2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog

NU 330 Care of the Childbearing Family

Care of the Childbearing Family focuses on the concepts of patient-centered care, safety, genetics, health promotion, and professionalism in the care of women and newborns from conception to birth. Culturally sensitive nursing practice embodies the care of women, newborns, and families ranging from healthy to at-risk health states along the continuum of their growth and development. Evidence-based research is integrated into the plan of care, which extends to the community. Legal and ethical issues that relate to the care of the family are interwoven. Students demonstrate critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills with emphasis on communication and interprofessional collaboration as part of their clinical experience. 

A prerequisite to NU 340 and NU 365




NU 215 Health Assessment, NU 310 Pathophysiology, and BI 161/162 Introduction to Microbiology with Lab