2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

PA 612 Masters Capstone Project

This course builds on first-year courses (Evidence-Based Practice, Healthcare Delivery, and Population Health & Wellness) and is designed to allow the PA student to complete a Masters Capstone Service Learning Project in the community under the guidance of the research advisor and approved community advisor. The Masters Capstone project is two-fold: (1) Community Project: In small groups, students will develop a community service learning project based on a real-life community need. Using evidence-based practice and population health promotion, students will develop a research question, conduct a literature search, analyze the literature, then develop and implement the community service learning project. Students will present a scholarly poster on their topic, and submit their poster to state and national PA organizations (ConnAPA or AAPA); and (2) Scholarly Paper: Student will identify an evidence-based clinical, global health, or PA education question, conduct a literature search, analyze the literature, and develop a scholarly paper of publishable quality for a peer-reviewed journal (i.e., JAAPA, Clinical Review, PA Professional, Journal of PA Education, etc.).




Completion of courses PA 515, PA 516, PA 522, PA 611, and the pre-clinical year of Physician Assistant Studies or program permission