2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

EDU 614 Geometry & Measurement

Geometric and measurement ideas and concepts are useful in representing and solving problems in many areas of mathematics and in real-world situations. With well-designed activities, appropriate tools, and teacher's support, students can make and explore conjectures about geometry and measurement and can learn to reason carefully about both ideas from the earliest years of schooling. This course is designed to help experienced elementary- and middle-school teachers explore the features of geometric shape and how children develop an understanding of it. It will also examine different aspects of size, develop facility in composing and decomposing shapes, and apply these skills to make sense of formulas for area and volume. It is also designed to help teachers explore the conceptual issues of length, area, and volume as well as the complex interactions among these. At the heart of the course are sets of classroom episodes (cases) illustrating student thinking about geometry and measurement.
