Academic Honesty

Rockland Community College fosters an academic community; students and faculty work together to create a learning experience that impacts knowledge and forms character. To achieve this, RCC adheres to a standard of academic honesty that instructs students to honor their colleagues by producing work based on their own capabilities so fellow students receive equal consideration in the eyes of their professors. Honest work on the computer or in writing is important in the development of academic character. RCC desires each student to finish each course, each program, with a developed sense of self and a pride in the integrity of his/her own work toward his/her own level of achievement.

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following:

  1. Cheating on examinations.
  2. Plagiarism, i.e., the use of words or ideas of others, whether borrowed, purchased or otherwise obtained, without creating a source.
  3. Submitting work previously presented in another course.
  4. Willingly collaborating with others in any of the above actions, which result(s) in work being submitted, which is not the student’s own.
  5. Stealing examinations, falsifying academic records and other such offenses.

If the instructor deems that a student is guilty of cheating or plagiarism, the instructor may initiate disciplinary action and can:

  1. Require that the student repeat the assignment or the examination.
  2. Give the student a failing grade for the assignment or examination.
  3. Give the student a failing grade in the course and deny the student continued access to the class.
  4. The instructor should advise the Division Chair, Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Dean of Student Development.

If the student wishes to appeal the above decision, he/she may submit a written request, along with any supporting documentation, to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services or designee, within seven (7) business days of being informed of the academic penalty.