24 Credit Hour HSE Candidate Program
HSE (formerly GED) candidates must:
- Be a current resident of New York State at time of application for the HSE;
- Have not graduated from high school;
- Be 19 years of age or older on the date the HSE is awarded
17 or 18 years of age with one year having passed since you were legally able to leave high school and last enrolled in a regular full-time high school program of instruction or a member of a class that has already graduated;
- Attend a HSE Informational Workshop to receive the most recent regulations and specific course requirements;
- Take the English and Math Assessment tests and score appropriately;
- HSE candidates who have successfully completed this sequence will be asked to complete a Rockland Community College Admissions Application and submit it with a $30 non-refundable fee;
- Include an official copy of your high school transcript with the Admissions Application.
Rockland Community College offers the courses necessary to apply for the New York State Equivalency Diploma through the New York State Education Department.
If applying for New York State Financial Aid, all HSE candidates must score appropriately on tests approved by the U.S. Department of Education. HSE candidates are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid.