Transfer Students

Rockland Community College (RCC) welcomes students who have completed coursework at other institutions and who wish to continue their studies at RCC.  If students are transferring from another college, Records & Registration will evaluate their credits based on the degree they intend to pursue at RCC upon receipt of an official transcript.  When necessary, Records & Registration will collaborate with the appropriate department Chair or designee.

At least half the number of credits required for the degree must be completed at RCC, with the exception of the LPN to RN Express Program.  For students seeking a certificate, half the number of credits required for this certificate must be completed at RCC.  The maximum number of credits transferable to RCC for an Associate’s degree is 32 credits, with the exception of Automotive Service Excellence Certification A1-A8.  The maximum number of credits transferable to RCC for a certificate is 15 credits.  Transfer credits are not used in the computation of the grade point average at RCC.

Certain courses may be ineligible for transfer due to time limitations.  Courses for which a student has earned a grade of a “C” or better (or C+ in some cases) will be accepted for transfer.  Developmental, review or remedial courses are not transferable.  A course for which no credit is given at the original institution cannot be transferred for credit at RCC.  Military credits can be considered for transfer credit.

Prior College- Level Learning Credits can be granted for learning acquired as a result of work experience, volunteer work or community service. Prior College-Level Learning Credits are considered part of the maximum allowable number of transfer credits and are associated with a fee. Prior College-Level Learning Credits are assessed and approved by a Faculty Evaluator, Department Chair, and Provost.  The Director of Placement & Assessment receives all approvals.

More information about transferring to RCC can be found on the College website at: