Faculty Handbook

1. Field Experiences

(From Rochester Christian University Teacher Education Governance, Policy, and Procedures Manual)


2.6.11 University Supervisor Load Credit and Responsibilities for Professional Studies Field Experiences

  • Supervisors for the 30-hour field experience in EDU 3224 Classroom Teaching and Management receive .30 semester-hour of credit per student. Supervisors are required to make two observations and complete two observation forms.
  • The supervisor of the clinical experience for RDG 4313 Reading for Content Knowledge is responsible for working with the site school’s building principal and learning consultant to plan, coordinate, and oversee ongoing tutoring sessions between RDG 4313 students and elementary-age students. The supervisor, working with the learning consultant, must secure written permission from parents of elementary students who participate in the Reading Clinic. The supervisor who pre-approves all lesson plans of RDG 4313 tutors is required to be at the site school to monitor all of the scheduled tutoring and/or meeting sessions. Supervisors of the RDG 4313 clinical experience receive 1 semester hour of teaching load credit.
  • Supervisors of the 60-hour field experiences for EDU 4583/4683 Educational Foundations and Assessment receive .30 semester hours of credit per student. For these field experiences, college supervisors are required to make two observations and complete two observation forms.
  • Supervisors of EDU 3271 Ethics and Culture Clinical Experience receive two semester hours for accompanying students.

Supervisors must complete and sign final evaluation forms for all field experiences.