Faculty Handbook

E. Applying for Promotion and Tenure

The faculty’s direct supervisor must submit the application to the Promotion and Tenure committee by November 30. Faculty may apply for promotion or tenure during or after the final year of service needed for the desired rank. Faculty members should electronically submit the following:

a)  Cover Letter - Applicants may choose to use the format of the Post-Tenure Review Position Summary

b)  Updated CV - should include scholarship 

c)  Evaluations (includes course experience survey analysis)

d)  Scholarship and Service - if not covered in CV or Cover Letter (explain level of engagement)

e)  Recommendations: Letter of support from direct supervisor. The letter should include supportive results from a departmental review of the application, including peer evaluation of teaching and faculty evaluations. When evidence of supervisory or departmental support is not included, an explanation addressing the absence is needed.

The Promotion and Tenure Committee consists of the provost, a dean selected by the Academic Cabinet, and three representatives selected by the Faculty Senate, two of whom should be at the rank of Professor. Academic Quality and Innovation members from the Board of Trustees are invited to all meetings to provide input about procedures and promotion and tenure decisions.  

The Promotion and Tenure Committee meets, as needed, by February each year to review all requests and recommendations for promotion and tenure. Application materials will be evaluated using the rubrics housed in the promotion and tenure folder of the Faculty Resources Google drive. Changes in status take effect with contracts for the succeeding academic year. The provost communicates approval of tenure recommendations to the president. AQI members communicate promotion recommendations to the Board of Trustees. In rare cases, the Promotion and Tenure Committee and/or the provost may recommend individuals for promotion and/or tenure who have not met all the criteria. These exceptions are based on meritorious service to Rochester Christian University, distinction in the classroom or library, and exceptional accomplishments in their chosen field.

For policies concerning post-tenure review, please see section IX.C of this handbook.