Faculty Handbook

1. Hiring Policies, Procedures, and Responsibilities

The recruitment and selection of new members of the faculty is a joint effort of the deans of the colleges, directors of the schools, department chairs, and the academic administration. The process used for hiring faculty is as follows:

  1. Once approval for a position is established, the dean/director submits a proposal to the provost.
  2. An interview committee is formed and chaired by the relevant dean/director or department chair.
  3. A search is conducted by the Human Resources office by posting the position on the university website. Additional employment websites may also be used as requested by the provost.
  4. Applications and/or resumes received from the website posting will be forwarded to the interview committee by the Director of Human Resources for review and follow-up.
  5. The candidate is invited to interview, first with the hiring committee, then with the Provost.
  6. The candidate is recommended for hire to the provost
  7. The Director of Human Resources officially offers the position to the selected candidate