6.1.1 Faculty – Student Relations
The faculty student relationship is at the core of learning in the academic setting. Students look to faculty to stimulate thinking, pass on accumulated knowledge, and provide guidance. Since an imbalance of power exists in the faculty-student relationship, Rochester University discourages all romantic relations between faculty and students. If a faculty member does choose to enter into a romantic relationship with a student, he/she must first terminate any position and relinquish any university activities that includes evaluation and/or supervision of the student (e.g., student in class, advisee, work study student, etc.). The faculty member may not be in a position of evaluating or supervising the student at any time in the future. The faculty member must also notify his/her Department Chair who will in turn notify the appropriate Dean of the relationship. The Dean will inform the Provost of the situation in writing. The Chair, or Dean if applicable, will determine whether the aforementioned requirements were adhered to, and if not, take action to resolve any conflicts of interest that exist. Violations of this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action, including possible dismissal.