3.11 Weather Delays and Closures
While the University will always keep the safety of its employees in mind, it may choose to remain open on days of inclement weather. During severe winter weather, the decision to delay classes or close the campus entirely will be made by the administrative team. If the University remains open during inclement weather, it is always the employee’s choice whether to report to work. Hourly employees will not be paid for time off. Salaried employees who do not report to work on a day when the University is open and do not perform any work remotely are required to use accrued vacation or personal time off. If no accrued leave is available, they will not be paid for the day.
When a decision is made to delay or close the campus, Academic Services will be instructed to contact the local news media with specific instructions. Weather delays and closures usually pertain to students and faculty only. Administrators and staff employees should arrive to work as soon as the weather and safety permits. If a decision is made to close the campus for all university employees, Academic Services will be instructed to specifically state that on the message. Employees will also receive notifications via text message and/or campus-wide email.
If the closure is for students and faculty only, employees should notify their supervisor if they will be late or unable to come to work. Employees are paid their normal rate of pay for weather related closures. Hourly employees are paid their hourly rate multiplied by their normal scheduled hours for the closed day. Hours are not considered hours worked when calculating overtime pay. All University employees must adhere to the University’s policies regarding overtime and working off the clock, even in the case of inclement weather closures.