15.4.1 North Star
The North Star Newspaper is published approximately two to four times per year. Campus personnel are encouraged to submit articles and information for publication to the Development Office. The actual publication dates and deadlines for receiving articles are available from the Development Office. Normally, information should be submitted two months in advance.
A North Star committee reviews articles and information submitted. The committee decides the lead articles and content for the North Star publication. Submitted materials are subject to edit and will be published based upon space availability, value to constituency, and priority.
15.4.2 News Releases
News releases are encouraged from all employees. The information should be submitted to the Director of Communication Services for review and approval. Articles are subject to edit. Specific publications to receive the release should be provided along with addresses and phone numbers. Information on frequently used publications is on file in the Communication Services Office.
15.4.3 Advertisements and Directory Surveys
All advertisements for newspapers, programs, yearbooks, directories, etc., should be coordinated through the Communication Services Department. Costs associated with the advertisements should be covered by the requesting office with an identified account number and approval.
15.4.4 Publications
Most University publications are prepared by Communication Services. In order to permit timely scheduling of projects, individuals should discuss publication requirements with the Director of Communication Services at least one month in advance. Major publications should be coordinated as far in advance as possible. Each office must cover the printing costs from their budget.
Brochures, posters, flyers, and sports publications that are produced by departments or students, for the purpose of sending to individual’s off-campus, must be reviewed and approved by the Director of Communication Services before printing.
15.4.5 Pictures
Pictures for archives, publications, or public relations are taken by Communication Services.
15.4.6 Outside Printing
Outside printing should be considered on a case-by-case basis. When large quantities or specialized copies (such as color) are required, outside services should be used. The determining factor is the “cost analysis,” which should determine the most cost-effective method. All outside reproduction should have adequate funds available in the related budget with the project specifically identified in the budget. Requests for these services must be approved by the supervising administrator.
Reproduction requests for outside services should meet the requirements in the Business Office section of the Policy Manual.