Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

THED 3400 Drama Education

This course is designed to exercise the skills necessary to teach theatre activities to students in grades P-12, including using theatre as a teaching method in a variety of subject areas in grades B-8. To that end, students will become familiar with Georgia Department of Education requirements for theatre arts; develop strategies for locating the resources and volunteers necessary for play productions; and explore the goals, needs, benefits, problems and issues of coordinating a theatre program in the secondary education environment.

Registration Name

Drama Education

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Admission to Teacher Education

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching techniques in the theatre classroom.

  2. Plan learning experiences for the secondary theatre classroom.

  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of performance task assessment measures.

  4. Create a theatre unit of study using the Understanding by Design process of curriculum development.

  5. Respond to ethical issues in theatre education.

  6. Apply business and marketing skills by creating a comprehensive plan for a high school theatre production program.