Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

MUED 7800 Music Education Capstone Exhibition/Project

This course is non-transferable and must be completed at Piedmont University. Application for graduation must be submitted when registering for this class. Designed to synthesize the graduate experience for candidates in the music education program. The course culminates in a project that demonstrates the individual's mastery of the graduate program in music education, including conceptual, content, and pedagogical skills. Candidates will submit a formal written document of the project and will demonstrate their work in a public presentation to peers, faculty, and other attendees at the end of the semester.

Registration Name

Music Ed Capstone Exhibition

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Graduate Standing in Music Education


Demorest: Fall, Spring, and Summer

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Design and implement a research project reflecting familiarity with current research and innovative teaching strategies.
  2. Utilize the principles of critical thinking to synthesize coursework and experiences in the College of Education.
  3. Design assessment strategies that foster teamwork, constructive criticism, higher order and critical thinking skills to develop the student’s sense of creativity and pride in their original work.
  4. Assess and plan instruction for students of all ability levels and cultural backgrounds and with varied intelligences and learning styles.
  5. Understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage the development of all students’ creative talents, critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
  6. Utilize print and non-print media in the development and presentation of a culminating project to synthesize all experiences in the degree program.