Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Certification-Only Program Descriptions

Art Education

A candidate seeking Art Education Certification-only must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution in a field other than Art education. The department chair evaluates a candidate’s transcript and outlines a program of study necessary for the candidate to be recommended for Art Education certification. A minimum of 15 hours of course-work, unless approved by the department chair, must be completed at Piedmont University (This does not include the clinical practice block). The candidate must maintain a GPA of 3.0 on all coursework completed for certification, with not more than one grade of “C.” Students in certification-only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) test in order to be recommended for certification. Completion of requirements for Certification Only does not lead to a degree. Non-degree programs are not eligible for financial aid.

Educational Leadership Tier Two

Educators who hold a Tier I Educational Leadership Certificate and who successfully complete the requirements for certification (EdD coursework, internships, and assessments) are eligible for recommendation for Tier II Educational Leadership certification.

Elementary Education

A candidate seeking Elementary Education Certification-only must hold a minimum of a master’s degree from an accredited institution in a field other than Elementary education or an undergraduate degree in education. The department chair evaluates a candidate’s transcript and outlines a program of study necessary for the candidate to be recommended for Elementary Education certification. A minimum of 15 hours of course-work, unless approved by the department chair, must be completed at Piedmont University (This does not include the clinical practice block). The candidate must maintain a GPA of 3.0 on all coursework completed for certification, with not more than one grade of “C.” Students in certification-only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) test in order to be recommended for certification. Completion of requirements for Certification Only does not lead to a degree.

Secondary Education

Certification only is an option (not a program) for broadfield science, biology, chemistry, physics, English, history, and mathematics and may be requested by a prospective candidate who holds a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution and prefers not to pursue a master's degree while seeking certification for grades 6-12 in one of the fields offered at Piedmont University. The applicant’s transcript is reviewed by the advisor in the intended field of certification. A proposed program of study is designed to ensure depth in the content field, as well as meeting all requirements prescribed in the field of education, including an internship. The proposed program is reviewed by the department chair and, if approved, serves as the advisement sheet for that candidate. All other procedures and requirements of the College of Education and the University apply. Students in certification-only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) test in order to be recommended for certification. Completion of this program does not lead to a degree in education. Non-degree programs are not eligible for financial aid.

Middle Grades Education

A candidate seeking Middle Grades Certification-only (4-8) must hold a Bachelor’s degree and/or a content-area master's degree from a PSC-accepted accredited institution. The candidate must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in all coursework completed for certification, with not more than one grade of “C,” and must pass the appropriate GACE test(s) as a prerequisite for certification. In order for Piedmont University to recommend certification, at least 24 semester hours must be taken at Piedmont University. When appropriate, Piedmont University will accept teaching experiences in lieu of similar college credit courses for post-baccalaureate candidates. Transfer credits 10 years or older are not accepted. Completion of requirements for certification-only does not lead to a degree. Completion of the program leads to recommendation for a Georgia induction certificate in middle grades education. Students in certification-only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) content test(s) in order to be recommended for certification. Non-degree programs are not eligible for financial aid.

Special Education

Certification only is an option (not a program) that may be requested by a prospective candidate who holds a master’s degree from an accredited institution and prefers not to pursue an additional master’s degree while seeking certification in Special Education General Curriculum. The applicant’s transcript is reviewed by the advisor in the applicant’s intended field of certification. A proposed program of study is designed to provide depth of knowledge as well as applied experiences in the form of practical, student teaching, or internships. A minimum of 15 semester hours must be taken at Piedmont University. The proposed program is reviewed by the department chair and, if approved, serves as the advisement sheet for that candidate. All other procedures and requirements of the College of Education and the University apply. Students in certification-only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) test(s) in order to be recommended for certification. Completion of this program does not lead to a degree in special education. Non-degree programs are not eligible for financial aid.

Music Education

A candidate seeking Music Certification-Only must hold a minimum of a master’s degree in music from an accredited institution. The music department chair evaluates a candidate’s transcript and outlines a program of study necessary for the candidate to be recommended for certification in music (P-12) in the State of Georgia. When appropriate, staff development units, teaching internship, and/or other experiences will be accepted in lieu of the same or similar college courses completed at other institutions. The candidate must maintain a GPA of 3.0 on all coursework completed for certification, earning no more than one grade of “C” during the course of study. The candidate must also complete the admission to teacher education process (unless a valid Georgia certificate is held) and pass the GACE Program Admissions Assessment (or demonstrate exemption) as a prerequisite to apprentice teaching or internship. Students in certification-only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) content test(s) in order to be recommended for certification. Completion of this program does not lead to a degree in music education.

Drama Education

Certification-only is an option (not a program) that may be requested by a prospective candidate who holds a master’s degree from an accredited institution and prefers not to pursue an additional master’s degree while seeking certification in drama education, general curriculum. The applicant’s transcript is reviewed by the advisor in the applicant’s intended field of certification. A proposed program of study is designed to provide depth of knowledge as well as applied experiences in the form of practica, student teaching, or internships. The proposed program is reviewed by the department chair and, if approved, serves as the advisement sheet for that candidate. All other procedures and requirements of the College of Education and the University apply. Completion of this program does not lead to a degree in drama education.

Educational Leadership Tier One

Educators who hold professional educator certification in Georgia (who have three or more years of teaching experience) and who demonstrate disposition for school leadership, and who successfully complete requirements for certification (24 credits – 12 credits beyond the Ed.S. degree in Curriculum and Instruction), are eligible for recommendation for Tier I Educational Leadership certification. Candidates must hold the Education Specialist degree (Ed.S.) or the equivalent.