Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023

CMSD 4002 Language and Learning Disabilities in School-Age Populations

This course provides study of impairments of spoken language, reading, and written expression in school-age children and adolescents. This course explores typical development, models of impairment, assessment and treatment.

Registration Name

Language Learning Disabilities

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





CMSD 2003, CMSD 2004



Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:
1. Describe a framework for evaluating and treating language and learning disorders.
2. Define the roles of emergent literacy and phonological awareness in later development of written language ability.
3. Outline concepts and functions of data gathering, data analysis and interpretation relative to language and learning disorders.
4. Describe aspects of cultural and linguistic diversity related to assessment and intervention of language and learning disorders.
5. Distinguish among treatment components, programs, and strategies to remediate language and learning disorders.