Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020

PSYC 3380 Psychology of Learning

An introduction to the theory and application of principles of conditioning and complex learning, including principles of reinforcement and stimulus control, the function and limits of learning, and forgetting.




PSYC 1101 and PSYC 2201

Typically Offered

Athens Campus: fall day - Demorest Campus: spring day; summer as needed online

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Make distinctions between the basic principles of classical and operant conditioning and factors that govern acquisition and extinction in these two types of learning.
  2. Analyze the processes of aversive conditioning and stimulus control of behavior and factors that influence the effectiveness of these forms of behavior control.
  3. Utilize principles of conditioning and stimulus control (appetitive and aversive) in the development of programs to solve learning and behavioral problems.
  4. Critique classical and operant research methods including their design, data analysis, and interpretation.
  5. Critically think about how the theories and concepts of this course apply to issues of everyday life.
  6. Demonstrate effective writing skills in the context of APA style.