A. General Education Requirements for Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Total hours listed in each section below are minimums.
I. An individual who engages great questions and who seeks solutions informed by reasoning (10 hours)
Who engages the great questions of humanistic study – rhetoric
(minimum grade of “C” required)
Who can process ideas through reasoning, evaluating old ideas and developing new ones
Mathematical Reasoning
One course from
MATH 2450 w/lab
(minimum grade of “C” required)
Critical Thinking
Students in business and education are exempt from these courses since their major delivers and assesses this outcome (critical thinking).
One course from
Who understands the scientific method as a mode of modern inquiry – scientific method
One lab course from
II. A member of a cultural group and who recognizes his/her own social/cultural/ historical heritage (15 hours)
Who can effectively communicate with other members – English communication
Freshman composition
(minimum grade of “C” required)
Who understands behavior and interaction
One course from
Who understands his/her group’s cultures and history – American, British, multicultural American literature, or history of western civilization
One course from
Who understands the role of government and its institutions – U.S. history or American government
III. A world citizen who appreciates the cultural contributions of other societies and who understands and appreciates other cultures (12 hours)
Modern Languages (choose pair)
Who understands the history and artistic products of other cultures
World history, world religions, anthropology, or world literature
One course from
Fine arts
One course from
IV. A person who understands the broader natural world (6 hours)
who understands important aspects of the physical nature of the universe, the earth, and/ or living organisms found thereon – natural science
(2-semester sequence – choose pair)
V. Someone whose understanding transcends the academy and is informed by an appreciation for a greater good (3 hours)
Philosophy or religion that involves practical application or nature appreciation (ethics)
Students in business, education, and nursing and health science are exempt from these courses since their major delivers and assesses this outcome (ethics).
One course from
VI. Additional course for all students who enter the College with fewer than 24 undergraduate credit hours (1 hour)
PDMT 1101 | Intro to College Life and Liberal Arts Tradition | 1 |
Total Credit Hours: 46-47
Requirements II.d and V. may be satisfied through the Compass program (Two Compass learning endeavors/courses).
History must be taken in at least one of II.c, II.d, or III.b.i