Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019


Grades are based on the following grading system. Piedmont College does not record or issue “+” or “-“ grades.

A — Excellent 4 quality points per semester hour
B — Good 3 quality points per semester hour
C — Fair 2 quality points per semester hour
D — Poor, but passing 1 quality point per semester hour
F — Failure 0 quality points
P — Pass 0 quality points
W — Withdrawal 0 quality points
WF — Withdrawal Failing 0 quality points
AU — Audit — No Credit 0 quality points
I — Incomplete 0 quality points
IP — In Progress 0 quality points

Each instructor establishes the quantitative and/or qualitative basis and procedures by which he or she computes grades. Such information is published in each syllabus.

At the end of each semester, a complete report of academic achievement is available to the student on PilgrimNet/WebAdvisor.

Grade-Point Average

A grade-point average (GPA) is calculated as a ratio of the number of quality points earned to the number of credit hours attempted. The computation of the GPA is based only on courses taken at Piedmont College and does not include transfer grades. Three types of GPA are calculated: semester, cumulative, and honors. The semester GPA is based on the student’s record for a given semester. The cumulative GPA is based on the student’s record to date. For students who reentered the College under the Forgiveness Policy, courses taken at Piedmont College prior to reentry are not included in the computation of the cumulative GPA.


For reasons such as illness or other extenuating circumstances, a student may receive an Incomplete “I” upon the approval of the course instructor and the dean of the appropriate school. Assignment of an Incomplete grade is appropriate only when a substantial amount of work (at least one-half) in the course has been completed. A request for an incomplete grade is not appropriate until after the official date for withdrawal without academic penalty has passed. Application forms may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. Failure to remove the “I” by the end of the next semester (if the student continues to be enrolled) at Piedmont College will result in an “F.” For students who do not return to Piedmont College, the “I” must be removed within one calendar year or the “I” will be changed to an “F.”

Grade Changes

Grades reported to the Registrar and recorded shall not be changed except under the following specified circumstances:

  1. A written statement by the instructor that the grade recorded was a factual error;
  2. Change of grade of “I,” as previously outlined;
  3. Students who receive a grade of “F” or “D” in a course taken during their final semester shall have the option of taking a comprehensive exam for the course. A passing grade on the exam is a passing grade in the course; and
  4. Recommendation by the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled and/or the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.

Grade Appeals

Students who wish to dispute a final grade and are prepared to present evidence to support a grade appeal must initiate the procedure by speaking first with the instructor who as- signed the grade in question. If there are no errors in the computation of the grade or other substantial evidence to support an appeal, the student is encouraged to accept the grade assigned. However, in cases where there are substantial grounds for a review of the grade and a resolution cannot be reached between the student and the instructor, the student has the following recourse:

  1. Within two weeks of the beginning of the term following the one for which the grade was posted, the student must submit to the appropriate department chair a letter of appeal with evidence supporting the need for an external review of the grade in question. A form, which describes the supporting material required, is available. The department chair will review the student’s material and consult with the instructor before deciding if the assigned grade should stand. The department chair must provide a written response to the student with a copy to the school dean.
  2. If a student does not accept the decision of the department chair, there is one additional level of appeal. The student may submit documentation to the appropriate academic dean (in the school where the course was taught) who will determine if new information or insufficient consideration of the student’s case merits further review of the assigned grade. The dean’s decision to proceed or not to proceed will be final in all cases.
  3. If the dean determines that further review is warranted, the dean will review the material and consult with the student and the instructor. The dean may exercise discretion to consult other faculty or students who can provide relevant information. The dean’s decision will be final.
  4. The entire appeal process must be completed within four weeks of the date the grade was appealed.
  5. When the dean or department chair is the teacher of record, the dean will substitute for the department chair and the vice president for academic affairs will substitute for the dean.

Academic Standing

Good Standing signifies that the student is eligible to return to the College and is on neither academic nor conduct probation. To be in good standing academically, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Academic Warning is assigned to a student who holds a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better but has earned a term GPA of less than 2.0. A second consecutive semester with a term GPA of less than 2.0 will place the student on probation. A student who is placed on probation after being placed on an Academic Warning will be required to complete an Academic Success Plan prior to attending the following semester. Students who do not complete the criteria listed in the Academic Success Plan or who do not earn a term GPA of 2.3 or better in the subsequent semester may be subject to Academic Exclusion.

Academic Probation is assigned to a student who fails to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Students placed on Academic Probation will be required to complete an Academic Success Plan prior to attending the following semester and any semester they continue on probation.

Academic Exclusion denotes a failure to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA for two consecutive semesters. However, a student will remain on probation after the second semester if he or she either completes the criteria listed in the Academic Success Plan or completes 6 credit hours or more and earns a term GPA of 2.3 or better. A student who is academically excluded must sit out for at least one semester at which time he or she may appeal to the dean of the appropriate school for Conditional Readmission.

The Committee on Academic Standards reserves the right to exclude students prior to or at the end of the first year if, in the opinion of the committee, their progress is not satisfactory.

Conditional Standing is assigned a student who has been conditionally admitted to the College, or who, after being academically excluded or dismissed, is readmitted on a conditional basis by the dean of the appropriate school.

Academic Success Plans are completed with the student and the Academic Dean and/or the Dean of Student Engagement prior to the start of the semester. Academic Success Plans are personalized, comprehensive plans to support a student’s success. Academic Success Plans include the use of campus resources and establish expectations of behavior in and outside the classroom. Academic Success Plans often include expectations about attendance, study habits, tutoring and overall academic performance.

Academic dismissal results in involuntary separation of the student from the College for an extended time period for academic reasons based upon the recommendation of the appropriate dean. Students may appeal the decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. A student so dismissed may petition for readmission after a reasonable period of time, usually a year. Specific schools may have different requirements. Students should consult the specific school for requirements. The second academic dismissal is permanent.

Readmission After Dismissal

Students who have been dismissed from the College for any reason may petition for re- admission after one year. A completed Application for Readmission (www.piedmont.edu/ registrar) and a written letter requesting readmission must be submitted to the appropriate dean at least two weeks prior to the date of registration for the semester in which the student wishes to enroll. Requests received after the deadline will be considered for the following semester. A determination will be made to approve or deny readmission on a conditional basis and the student will be notified of the decision in writing.

Non-Academic Dismissal

Students who are found to be in violation of College regulations, in violation of local and/ or state laws, or for circumstances deemed to be in the best interest of the College, may be removed from a residence hall and/or dismissed from the College. Students must complete an exit process which includes financial aid, student affairs, the library, and the business office. The appropriate forms must be signed and filed with the Registrar before refunds (if applicable) can be made or transcripts forwarded.

Students may appeal the decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs to the President, if warranted. Grades of “W” or “WF” may be assigned. Grades of “W” after the last date to withdraw without academic penalty require the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and will be approved only in cases of acceptable extenuating circumstances.

Administrative Withdrawal

Piedmont College expects students to take an active role in their academic success. Examples of active engagement in learning include attending every class meeting and diligently completing all learning activities (daily assignments, quizzes, papers, problem-sets, etc.).

The administrative withdrawal policy was created to assist students in establishing good academic engagement and attendance habits. Failure to routinely complete daily and major assignments or attend class places students in jeopardy of being administratively withdrawn from any or all courses at any time during a semester or term. Undergraduate students may be administratively withdrawn regardless of class level.

Administrative withdrawals may affect a student’s financial aid awards, campus residential status, athletic eligibility and/or student visa status as the withdrawal from courses impacts enrolled credit hours.

The policy will be applied in a student-friendly manner holding students accountable for appropriate attitudes and actions demonstrating a seriousness of purpose about academic engagement and learning. The College administration has the authority to withdraw a student from a single course, multiple courses, or the College, and to revoke that student’s registration at any time during a semester or term for failure to comply with academic requirements including, but not limited, to:

  • being absent from any course for the first two days of the class in a term or semester without prior written approval. Written approval, generally via email, may be granted by individual faculty members or the academic dean for the school in which the student resides.
  • demonstrating unsatisfactory academic and course engagement at any point in the semester/ term defined by one or more of the following as:
    • having missed an excessive amount of scheduled class time as defined by individual faculty members’ syllabi, excluding absences for college-related activities for which the student has communicated appropriately with each faculty member involved prior to the absence, arranged for the missed class time/assignments, etc. Students involved in college-related activities (i.e. athletics competitions, field-trips, etc.) are advised to carefully monitor the number of missed classes in a given semester.
    • failing to maintain routine log-in and academic engagement activity during each week for online courses.
    • violating learning or behavioral contracts if applicable

Students who do not fulfill their obligations through appropriate academic engagement risk being administratively withdrawn from any, or all, courses in which this failure to engage occurs. Withdrawals will not occur without sufficient warning and due notice to students. Students who are administratively withdrawn from a single course or all courses in a semester/term:

  • are responsible for all debts and other charges related with the course(s)
  • are not eligible for a tuition refund for the course(s)
  • receive a “W” grade notation if the withdrawal occurs prior to the final date for withdrawal in a term/semester without academic penalty. The “W” grade does not affect a student’s grade point average. Administrative withdrawals after the final date for withdrawal in a term/semester without academic penalty will be recorded as “WF.” No other grades, such as NR, I or IP, may be assigned.
  • may lose their eligibility for campus residential status and will not be eligible for a proration of housing or meal plan expenses. Athletic competition eligibility may also be impacted if the withdrawal drops them below full-time status.
  • may experience changes in financial aid eligibility as a result of the withdrawal. Because financial aid eligibility is based on many factors, financial aid changes related to a withdrawal will vary. Students are responsible to know the effects poor choices related to their academic engagement may have on their financial aid eligibility and status.

If faculty members have reason to inquire about specific cases of administrative withdrawal, they may inquire with the registrar or academic dean for the school in which the student resides. In certain cases, the student’s right to confidentiality may not permit full disclosure of the circumstances.

Because the College affords students the right to appeal academic decisions, it is essential that instructors maintain accurate and consistent records of academic engagement from students throughout the semester/term.

Extenuating circumstances such as family emergencies and serious illness must be documented and may be taken into account. Students participating in intercollegiate athletics and academic field trips are advised to complete all assignments in an appropriate manner for each class, monitoring any absences in addition to these events carefully.

Academic Honors (Undergraduate Only)

Various types of academic honors at Piedmont College are based on the student’s GPA. The requirements for these honors and their designations are as follows.

Dean’s List: Full-time status (minimum of 12 semester hours) with a semester GPA of 3.50-3.99.

Dean’s Scholar: Full-time status (minimum of 12 semester hours) with a semester GPA of 4.0.

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi is a national academic honor society. Membership in the College’s Epsilon Chapter, which was established in 1975, is open by invitation only to qualified members of the junior and senior classes who meet the specific demanding qualification criteria established by the national office. Among the standards for invitation is the student’s standing within the uppermost 10 percent of either the junior or senior class.

Alpha Lambda Delta is the national honor society for first-year students. It is open to full-time students who have earned at least a 3.5 GPA during their first semester or first year at Piedmont.

Alpha Psi Omega is a national honorary theatre society for colleges and universities. The organization honors those who have contributed to the Piedmont College theatre program. Leadership opportunities are provided for students interested in theatre and in promoting the theatre program.

Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society founded in 1945-46 to recognize adult students in continuing higher education who achieve academic excellence while managing responsibilities of family, work, and the community. Pi Rho, a chapter of this honor society, was established on Piedmont’s campus in the fall of 2000. Membership is by invitation to those who are at least 23 years of age, have completed 24 credit hours at Piedmont College, have a GPA of at least 3.2, and rank in the top 10 percent of their school.

Chi Alpha Sigma is a non-profit organization established to recognize college student athletes who earn a varsity letter in at least one sport while maintaining a 3.4 or higher cumulative GPA throughout their junior and senior years.

Delta Mu Delta is the international honor society in business for schools accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Founded in 1913, the society’s Lambda Iota chapter was chartered at Piedmont College in 2007. The society is open to junior and senior business majors who achieve minimum GPA of 3.25, rank in the top 20 percent of their class, and have completed the last 27 credit hours enrolled at Piedmont College.

Kappa Mu Epsilon, established in 1931, is an honor society dedicated to the promotion of professionalism among the nation’s mathematics students. A chapter of this society was established on Piedmont’s campus in the spring of 1999. It is open to individuals meeting the following criteria: minimum sophomore standing; top 35 percent of their class; and completed at least three mathematics courses (including calculus) with a “B” or better average.

Kappa Pi is a national honorary art society. The Piedmont chapter was organized in 2005 to promote greater interest in the knowledge and appreciation of art. Membership is based on artistic and academic excellence.

Phi Sigma Iota is an international foreign language honor society recognizing outstanding accomplishment in the study or teaching of any of the academic fields related to foreign language, literature, or culture. These fields include not only modern foreign languages, but also Classics, Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Literature, Bilingual Education, Second Language Acquisition and other interdisciplinary programs with a significant foreign language component. Phi Sigma Iota is the highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages.

Psi Chi is the international honor society in psychology. To be a member, a student must have completed at least 45 semester hours, have a declared major or minor in psychology, have completed at least nine semester hours in psychology, have both an overall GPA and psychology GPA of 3.5 or higher, and have high standards of personal behavior.

R.H. Daniel School of Nursing and Health Sciences Health Sciences Honor Society recognizes students for academic excellence, leadership, creativity, and service to the community. To be eligible, the student must have junior or senior standing, have >3.5GPA, and demonstrate leadership, critical thinking, and positive interpersonal relationships.

R.H. Daniel School of Nursing and Health Sciences Nursing Honor Society recognizes nursing students for their academic excellence, leadership, and creativity within the nursing profession. To be eligible for membership, the nursing student must be full-time, have completed at least 22 credit hours in the nursing major, have an overall GPA of at least 3.0, demonstrate leadership qualities and critical thinking skills, exhibit positive interpersonal relationships, and be nominated by the nursing faculty and clinical instructors. Membership is limited to no more than one third of each class.

Sigma Alpha Pi, the National Society of Leadership and Success, is dedicated to creating long-term positive change in students’ lives. In addition to having the opportunity to hear some of the nation’s leading presenters, authors, and success coaches, students who become members of the Society become a part of a community of like-minded, goal-oriented individuals. Members also avail themselves to scholarship opportunities and national awards once they become a member. There is a one-time membership charge and, once inducted, members are able to network with other members all across the USA and other countries. Sigma Alpha Pi membership is open to incoming freshmen with a 3.5 high school GPA and to current Piedmont College students who are maintaining a 3.0 GPA.

Sigma Tau Delta is the international English honor society. Requirements for membership are a minimum of two college courses in English language or literature beyond English 1101 and 1102, at least a “B” average in all English classes, placement in the top 35 percent of the class, and completion of at least three semesters of college course work.

Society for Collegiate Journalists is the oldest national honorary collegiate journalism organization. A chapter of this society was established on Piedmont’s campus in the spring of 2003. To be considered for membership a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours, be a mass communications major or minor, completed at least 9 semester hours in mass communications, have an overall GPA of at least 3.3, demonstrate significant contribution to the department, and demonstrate professional behavior.

The Torch of Piedmont is an honor society for women students at Piedmont College. Eligible women must have completed at least four semesters as full-time students at Piedmont College and must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.9. Transfer students who received an associate degree from a two-year college must complete at least two semesters at Piedmont College and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.9. Requirements for members include outstanding academic achievement, qualities of leadership, executive ability, and attendance at the induction/pinning ceremony.

Repeating Courses

A student who earns a grade below a “C” in a Piedmont College class may repeat that class as many times as necessary to meet graduation/degree requirements; however, only one grade forgiveness per course will be allowed. All courses taken shall remain on the transcript and repeated courses will only count once toward total hours earned for graduation. Grades and credit earned from repeat coursework at other institutions cannot be used in calculating the grade-point average at Piedmont College.

A student who earns a grade lower than a “C” as a result of a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy may repeat the course; however, the grade resulting from the violation is not eligible for grade forgiveness. All course grades would count in computing the cumulative GPA.

Transient Permission

Piedmont College students who wish to take courses at other institutions may do so only with the written permission of the Registrar. To request permission for transient status, students must be currently enrolled Piedmont College students in good standing and should obtain a letter of Transient Permission from the Registrar’s Office. Classes with a grade below “C” will not be accepted for credit. Students are reminded of the graduation requirement that all senior work (the last 30 hours) must be course work completed at Piedmont College. All requirements listed on Page 2 of the Letter of Transient Permission form must be met. Transient permission will not be granted for more than two consecutive semesters.

Withdrawal from Classes

Within the first several days of a term, students may add and drop courses with the permission of their advisor. The date ranges for drop/add vary depending on the semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer) and duration of the class (8-week or 16-week). Students should check the academic calendar for specific information.

After the initial drop/add period, a student may withdraw from a class by completing a drop/ add form, which must be signed by the advisor and the professor and must include the last date of attendance.

Students who withdraw from a course on or prior to the date noted in the College’s official calendar as the “last day to withdraw without receiving academic penalty” shall receive a “W” for the course and the hours will not be counted in the calculation of GPA. Students have to pay for the course and the hours do count against HOPE eligibility. Classes dropped after this date will result in a grade of “W” or “WF” based on the grade at time of withdrawal, and the hours will be counted in the calculation of GPA if a grade of “WF” is earned. Students who stop attending but do not submit appropriate forms to withdraw will receive an “F.”

Voluntary Withdrawal from College

Students who voluntarily withdraw from the College must complete an exit process which includes financial aid, student affairs, the library, and the business office. The appropriate forms must be signed and filed with the Registrar before refunds (if applicable) can be made or transcripts forwarded.

Students who withdraw from all courses at Piedmont College after the last day to drop a course without academic penalty shall receive a “W” or “WF” in each course, based on the grade at time of withdrawal.

Medical Withdrawal

Under extenuating circumstances, the Vice President for Academic Affairs may approve a withdrawal for medical reasons. Please note that medical withdrawals may still be subject to the Title IV Federal Policies, under the Tuition and Expenses section. The student will be responsible for tuition and/or charges that may apply.