Graduate Catalog 2018-2019

ERSC 5300 Astronomy and Meteorology

An introduction to content in the fields of astronomy and meteorology with particular emphasis on those topics taught in grades 6-12. The course also includes the evaluation of current instructional research in these content areas. This course is specifically designed for students seeking the M.A. or M.A.T. degree.



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A - IV) (Core Candidate Learning Outcomes by Program and Dispositions for All Candidates)


The purpose of this course is for students to become aware of current research and breakthroughs in the areas of science, particularly those related to the eatth sciences. Requirements keyed to outcomes (CCLOs):

  1. Class participation. (1-10)
  2. Worksheets and Quizzes over scientific principles upon which current research is based.(!), (2), (7)
  3. Critic or exam questions pertaining to articles related to each topic discussed. Including with review is an overview of the scientific principles upon which research is based and how these concepts are keyed to the Appropriate Standards. (I), (2), (7), (9)