EDD 8841 Advanced Study of Differentiated Instruction: A Paradigm for Embracing Student Diversity
This course will examine the idea that, if our educational system is to remain truly effective, we must broaden our definition of learning and of student success. This perspective implies that schools embrace student diversity in its many forms, and that educational experiences are offered that cultivate a wider range of knowledge and skills. Differentiated instruction is a paradigm of instructional delivery that encourages teachers to consider students as individuals rather than homogenous groups. Differentiated instruction requires flexible means of presenting content, engaging students, and encouraging student expression. Candidates will examine the philosophical underpinnings of differentiated instruction as well as empirical evidence that may provide support for its use. Candidates will also examine the need for cultural shifts within schools to accommodate flexibility, barriers to implementation, and the changing roles of teachers. Implications for system-level change as well as classroom- level practices will be examined.