Sexual Misconduct

PHSC is committed to the prevention of acts of sexual assault involving the College community, including students, employees, volunteers and visitors while at College campuses and encourages the reporting of incidents of sexual violence to the appropriate school and law enforcement agencies Every report of a sexual assault or threatened assault shall be referred immediately to the campus Provost, Vice President or to a designee in case of his/her absence. After normal business hours, such referral shall be made to the appropriate evening administrator.

It is the policy of the College to notify promptly the appropriate local law enforcement authority of the allegations made in every report of sexual assault that meets any one or more of the following criteria items:

  • Any assault that is alleged to have occurred on College-owned or controlled property, or immediately adjacent to such property, including any assault that originated with an abduction from such property.
  • Any assault that is alleged to have occurred at or during a College sponsored activity and which involves any student, employee, or volunteer of the College as alleged victim or perpetrator.
  • Any assault that is alleged to involve an employee or volunteer of the College as the perpetrator.
  • Any assault that is alleged to have, or appears to have, a connection to the College facilities, employees, volunteers, or students, such that the incident may pose a continuing danger to the College community.
  • Any assault in which the alleged or apparent victim has specifically requested a College official to notify the local law enforcement agency.

In every case of alleged sexual assault that comes to the attention of a College official, that does not meet any one or more of the criteria items set forth above, the College shall assist the apparent victim in obtaining the intervention services described in District Board of Trustee Rule, 6Hx19-1.33, Sexual assault Prevention and Response Policy; however, the College shall not report the allegation to the local law enforcement agency against the stated wishes of the victim.

Acts of sexual assault on College property or carried out by members of the College community shall not be condoned or tolerated as outlined in District Board of Trustees Rule, 6Hx19-1.33, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Measures. Any student or employee found in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from the College. Every victim of a sexual assault will be treated with care and compassion and will be encouraged to seek medical treatment and counseling. Every victim also will be encouraged to cooperate with local law enforcement authorities in the apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrators of these serious offenses. A Student Affairs employee at each campus has been appointed to serve as a victim's advocate to provide assistance. The victim's advocate shall assist with the coordination of the services to be provided to the victim. In all cases, the College shall treat all of the information received from the victim as strictly confidential. However, the information may be made available as required by law or rule