Intramural Sports and Recreation Programs

Intramural Sports and Recreation offers students, faculty and staff the opportunity to participate in sports and activities on a competitive and recreational level. Sports include dodgeball, flag football, ultimate frisbee, basketball, volleyball and more. In addition, there are many recreational activities available on campus such as corn toss, ping-pong, pool, bingo, fantasy football and gaming tournaments. Students can also attend group fitness classes such as yoga, Zumba® and others. Off-campus recreation includes kayaking, bowling, golf, team competitions and more. Special annual, end-of-term events include Quista Bowl-Students vs. Faculty and Staff Flag Football (game held at the end of fall term after graduation) and Softball Game-Students vs. Faculty and Staff (game held at the end of spring term, after graduation).

Students are required to complete a waiver and wear appropriate attire. All intramural programs are free for PHSC students and staff to participate. Contact your Student Activities office or visit the Student Activities web page to get more information or view a schedule of events for your campus.