Common Placement Retests

Students are permitted to retake the Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT) and ACCUPLACER one time (a total of two active attempts) after 24 hours. Scores are valid for two years. An assistant dean of student affairs or the director of career and testing services may approve a request for a third common placement attempt based upon documentation of extenuating circumstances. Students should be prepared prior to any attempt and may find remediation materials on the Testing Services web page or through the Academic Success Center on each campus. Students requesting a retest who have already begun any developmental education course(s) can retake a common placement test only upon referral by faculty on a case-by-case basis. Students' who retest on the PERT and achieve scores which place them into higher level courses and who wish to withdraw from the current developmental education course which has been tested out of, are responsible for completing the withdrawal by the College's published deadline dates. For additional information about common placement retakes, refer to the Academic Policies' Common Placement Retake section of the College Catalog and student Handbook or the Testing Services' Common Placement web page.