EDF 2085 Introduction to Diversity for Educators

Designed for the prospective educator, this course provides the opportunity to explore issues of diversity, including an understanding of the influence of exceptionalities, culture, family, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, language of origin, ethnicity, and age upon the educational experience. Students will explore personal attitudes toward diversity and exceptionalities. Students will be provided information on the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, Sunshine State Standards, and the Professional Educator Competencies. A minimum of 15 hours of field-based experience working with diverse populations of children and youth in schools or similar settings is required. The field experience should not be via virtual modes of film or Internet.


3 cr.


REA 0017 or REA 0011 or REA 0019 (completed with a grade of "C" or higher for each course) or appropriate placement test scores. Students who are not required to take the common placement test or enroll in developmental education courses do not have to satisfy prerequisites.