Applying to PHSC
The first step in becoming a PHSC student is to apply to the College for admission. All applicants for college courses (except those applying for admission as high school dual enrollment students - see Admission to the College for High School Students) (p. 138) must submit an application, nonrefundable $25 application fee, and submit proof of Florida residency to receive reduced tuition rates. The College admissions application can be completed and paid online through the WISE portal.
Because students must be admitted prior to registration for courses, applicants should apply as early as possible. All applicants, except dual enrollment applicants, will receive written notification of their admission after the application and fee are processed. For more information, contact the PHSC Information Center, 727-847-2727 or the Admissions and Student Records office, 727-816-3371, for assistance.
Individuals interested in special programs such as our Law Enforcement Academy, Limited Access Programs, Educator Prep Institute (EPI) or special classes through Continuing Education may have special application, registration, payment, and other procedures that are unique to these programs. Please review the website information first and then contact the program office directly if you have questions related to their offerings before completing applications.