The six core values:

Excellence: PHSC ensures the highest quality of expertise as demonstrated in teaching, learning and service to internal and external college stakeholders.

Community: PHSC is an active community partner. We ensure engagement in our service districts and communities as a participant and as a resource.

Integrity: PHSC embodies an environment of trust, accountability and responsibility that is clearly evident in our interactions with students, faculty, staff and the community. We promote an environment of honesty, cooperation, inclusion and mutual respect at all levels for the organization and throughout the two-county district.

Success: PHSC ensures that achievement is prioritized and uniquely individualized for each student. Efforts to focus on the personal and professional achievement of competencies and skills that empower students to make lifelong decisions relevant to successful careers and personal growth. 

Safety: PHSC is committed to the principle that the safety and security of our staff, students and facilities are essential elements of an effective learning environment. Facilities and equipment are well maintained; confidential information is properly accessed and stored; and timely communication of, and response to,  emergencies is ensured.

Stewardship: PHSC is a responsible custodian for the natural, financial, and human resources with which it has been entrusted.