Part B: Procedure for Suspension and/or Dismissal from Health Programs

  1. In the event that a College faculty member receives a report or personally observes that a student has committed an act described in Part A of this rule, the faculty member may take any of the following actions:
    1. The faculty member may notify the student of the report or the observation and warn the student of the possibility of dismissal from the program if the behavior should recur; in such event, the instructor shall immediately notify the program coordinator or the associate dean of nursing, of the behavior and the warning given
    2. If the faculty member believes the student may be unsafe to continue performing clinical activities, then the faculty member may suspend the student immediately from any further participation in clinical activities for the remainder of the day and for the following day, if necessary. The faculty member shall notify the coordinator of the health program/associate dean of nursing or the dean of health occupations in the absence of the program coordinator or associate dean of nursing, immediately. Upon receiving notice of the suspension, the coordinator of the health program shall notify the associate dean of nursing/dean of health occupations immediately. The student shall be notified, in writing, of the remedial measures/lessons required for return to the clinical activity. The coordinator of the health program shall proceed according to paragraph B.2 below.
    3. The faculty member may recommend formally to the coordinator of the health program or the associate dean of nursing that the student be suspended temporarily from participation in clinical activities pending remediation in the clinical laboratory of the skill or skills determined to be unsafe. The program coordinator or associate dean of nursing will proceed in accordance with Part B.2 below.
  2. Upon receiving a formal recommendation from a faculty member that a student be temporarily suspended from participation in clinical activities pending remediation in the clinical laboratory of the skill or skills determined to be unsafe, the coordinator of the health program or the associate dean of nursing shall review the circumstances of the reported behavior with the faculty member and student and may review the circumstances with anyone else who may have information about the incident and shall render a decision either to approve or deny the suspension. If practicable, the decision should be rendered three days following the date of the recommendation. If the coordinator of the health program or the associate dean of nursing approves the suspension, then the faculty member and the student shall receive written notice of the suspension along with specific information concerning the skill or skills to be remediated in the clinical laboratory. Pending review by the program coordinator or associate dean of nursing, the student may attend laboratory and classes.
  3. Upon receiving a formal recommendation from a faculty member that a student be terminated from further participation in clinical activities, the coordinator of the health program, associate dean of nursing,  and the dean of health occupations shall review the circumstances of the reported behavior with the faculty member and student. They may also review the circumstances with anyone else who might have information about the incident and shall render a decision either to forward the recommendation to the appropriate associate dean of student affairs for appointment of a Disciplinary Board pursuant to rules established by the College pursuant to District Board of Trustees Rule, 6Hx19-6.13, or to deny the recommendation, or to impose temporary suspension and require remediation in lieu of termination. If the coordinator of the health program, associate dean of nursing, and the dean of health occupations decide to forward the recommendation for formal disciplinary action, then the student shall be suspended temporarily from participation in clinical activities pending final action pursuant to procedures established by the College pursuant to District Board of Trustees Rule, 6Hx19-6.13.