
Olin College takes student development one step further with the Learning Continuum. While nearly every college in America offers academic courses and student organizations, seldom is much thought given to the unstructured zone between the curriculum and extra-curriculum, or the connections between them. At Olin, we have given this zone a lot of thought and have worked hard to create a seamless learning environment where student learning is understood through the student’s whole experience. In this sense, we do not see learning as contained to one class, a summer internship or a leadership opportunity. Instead, we expect these experiences to build on each other and to flow from one area of a student’s life to another.

The Olin College Learning Continuum consists of courses, undergraduate research opportunities with faculty, non-degree credit Passionate Pursuits, transcript noted Co-Curricular Offerings, community service, committee work or other service to the college, clubs and organizations, recreation and post-graduate planning. The Student Affairs team encourages student participation along the full range of opportunities in the Learning Continuum and works to foster connections among the elements on the continuum.