Student Complaint Procedure for Online Learning

Student Complaint Process related to Distance Education and/or On-Line Learning:

Students with any concerns that they believe can be addressed by the Olin administration should request support through the Provost’s Office, using this form.  The Provost will route concerns to the appropriate internal processes. 

While students are requested to seek resolution through Olin’s processes first, a student who has exhausted these processes without receiving adequate resolution may file a complaint with the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (MDHE) following the MDHE consumer complaint process.   

Beginning in 2021, Olin is now approved to offer distance education under the authorization from the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA).  For student complaints concerning distance education, if unsatisfied after pursuing remedy through Olin’s processes (above), distance education students may pursue a complaint with the MDHE.  Students located in Massachusetts, or in non-SARA member states and territories (e.g., California) should use the MDHE consumer complaint form, while those located in SARA member states and territories should use the MDHE SARA complaint form.

[MDHE consumer complaint form]

[MDHE SARA complaint form]