
Faculty 2019-20 Academic Year

Sarah Spence Adams 

Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Cornell University

Jonathan Adler

Professor of Psychology

Ph.D. Northwestern University

David Barrett

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Debbie Chachra

Professor of Engineering

Ph.D. University of Toronto 

Diana Dabby

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Music

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Helen Donis-Keller

Professor of Biology and Art

Ph.D. Harvard University

Allen Downey

Professor of Computer Science

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Jeff Dusek

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Daniela Faas

Assistant Professor of the Practice and Director of Fabrication and Laboratory Operations

Ph.D. Iowa State University

John Geddes

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Ph.D. University of Arizona

Siddhartan Govindasamy

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Erhardt Graeff

Assistant Professor of Social and Computer Science

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Sara Hendren

Associate Professor of Arts, Humanities and Design

MDes Harvard University

Scott Hersey

SCOPE Director

Assistant Professor of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Ph.D. California Institute of Technology

Benjamin Hill on leave Spring 2020

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. Cornell University 

Aaron Hoover 

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Kelsey Houston-Edwards on leave Fall 2019

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Ph.D. Cornell University

Jean Huang on leave Fall 2019

Associate Professor of Biology

Ph.D. California Institute of Technology

Christopher Lee

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. University of Michigan

Benjamin Linder

Professor of Design and Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Whitney Lohmeyer

Assistant Professor of Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Caitrin Lynch

Professor of Anthropology

Ph.D. University of Chicago 

Vincent Manno

Provost Emeritus

Professor of Engineering

Sc.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Robert Martello

Professor of the History of Science and Technology

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Steve Matsumoto

Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University

Samantha Michalka

Assistant Professor of Computational Neuroscience and Engineering

Ph.D. Boston University

Richard Miller


Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. California Institute of Technology

Amon Millner

Associate Professor of Computing and Innovation

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Bradley Minch on leave Fall 2019

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Ph.D. California Institute of Technology

Lawrence Neeley on leave Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

Associate Professor of Design and Entrepreneurship

Ph.D. Stanford University

Carolyn Nugent

Assistant Professor of Computational Physics and Planetary Science

Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles


Alice Paul

Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Ph.D. Cornell University

Joanne Pratt

Associate Dean

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania

Paul Ruvolo

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Ph.D. University of California San Diego, La Jolla

Alisha Sarang-Sieminski

Associate Dean

Associate Professor of Bioengineering

Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania

Tim Ferguson Sauder

Associate Professor of Practice in Design

B.A. Wheaton College

Mark Somerville

Dean of Faculty and Interim Provost

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lynn Andrea Stein

Professor of Computer and Cognitive Science

Ph.D. Brown University

Jonathan Stolk

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Education

Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin

Brian Storey on leave Fall 2019 and Spring 2020

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Emily Tow

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jessica Townsend

Interim Academic Vice President for External Engagement

Professor of Engineering

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Alison Wood

Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering

Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin

Jason Woodard

Associate Dean

Associate Professor of Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Ph.D. Harvard University

Yevgeniya Zastavker

Associate Professor of Physics

Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology