CIE2019B Curriculum Innovation Prototype: Quantitative Engineering Analysis II

Quantitative Engineering Analysis II (QEA II) is the second course in the two-course, 12 credit, QEA sequence. The course will revisit, reinforce, and build upon the contextualized math, science, and engineering tools and skills developed during the first semester of the course. Conceptual material in QEA II will draw from topics including ordinary differential equations, Laplace and Fourier transforms, equations of motion, linear systems theory, and linear control systems. QEA II will endeavour to place this foundational material in the broader engineering context, drawing connections to relevant examples and applications in engineering and beyond. The course will teach students how to select the appropriate set of tools and techniques for a given situation, ask critical questions about the consequences of their work, and develop the skills needed to acquire new knowledge beyond the course material.

Note: Quantitative Engineering Analysis II is a 4 credit course distributed as 2 MTH, 1 ENGR, and 1 SCI. This two-class, 12-credit sequence is a designated alternative for the following courses: Linearity 1 and Linearity 2, and the Physics Foundation course. Upon successful completion of both courses, the final credit distribution earned is 6 MTH, 4 SCI, 2 ENGR. Open only to students who took CIE 2019A in Spring 2019.
