College withdrawal

Withdrawal from the College


Voluntary withdrawal

Students may wish to leave Olin College prior to completing their degree and can voluntarily withdraw from the College. Such a decision may be difficult to make. We encourage students to discuss the situation with their faculty advisor and the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Students must file a College Withdrawal Form with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. Withdrawing for non medical reasons during a semester will yield a grade of "W" (Withdrew) on the academic record for all courses enrolled. If Voluntary Withdrawal occurs after the last instructional day of the semester, grades from that semester will appear on the transcript.

Dropping all registered courses does not automatically result in an official withdrawal from the college. Financial Aid recipients who drop all registered courses and/or officially withdraw from the college prior to the 60% point of a semester should note that this action will result in a review of their financial aid eligibility and a possible refund of monies to the Department of Education.

Students should consider whether a Leave of Absence might provide a more suitable means for them to address their needs. Students for whom a Leave of Absence is most appropriate should follow the procedures for requesting a Leave. Please refer to the Leave of Absence Policy.


Medical Withdrawal

Students who need to withdraw from Olin College for medical reasons should complete a College Withdrawal Form with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and indicate Medical Withdrawal. Medical documentation may be required to complete the process.

Medical Withdrawals during a semester (by the last instructional day of a semester) will result in deletion of the semester’s registration from the student’s record. Students may be entitled to a full or partial refund of certain expenses and fees according to the guidelines of the College’s Refund Policy. Students who are on a Medical Withdrawal may not return to campus or attend college events (on-campus or off-campus) without written permission of the Dean of Student Affairs. Permission must be requested at least ten business days in advance of the event.


Required and Administrative Withdrawal

At times, the Dean of Student Affairs (or the Dean's designee) may require a student to withdraw from Olin College for academic or any other reasons. Students who are required to withdraw may not return to campus or attend college events (on-campus or off-campus) without written permission of the Dean of Student Affairs. Permission must be requested at least ten business days in advance of the event.


Once a Student is Withdrawn

Once a student withdraws they typically have 48 hours to vacate their residence hall room. Specific arrangements should be made with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Students must return their room key to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and leave their room in the condition in which they found it. Students who are Withdrawn may not leave items in College storage unless it is appropriate for the circumstances and individual arrangements are made with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.


Return Following Withdrawal

Each request for readmission after withdrawal (voluntary, medical, required, or administrative) is assessed on its individual merits. As such, readmission requirements will vary. Written approval from the Dean of Student Affairs is required for readmission. To request readmission the student must complete the Readmission Form and send it to the Dean of Student Affairs no later than 30 days prior to the first day on instruction for the semester in which the student plans to return. The Dean will follow up with any requests for additional information.